Sunday, July 5, 2009


I am a junior Relgion major here at TCU as well as a member of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Not until the last year did I really start getting into ready fiction literature and my reading are more based on that have some theological rellevence to it. Gothic literature is not something I have ever really read and on that Gothic in general is not something I would say I understand. I know the stereotypes that most people would project at me if I ask them, what is Gothic, but I am curious as too its true meaning and to understand what Gothic literature actually is. I am hoping that even if I may not Gothic style the reading assignments and novels will at laeast be thrilling reads. I have read the terms and condition as outlined in the syllabus and understand all the requirement for class.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shae: I think you will find much in Gothic that interests you. Glad to have you in my class. LD
